Clinical Update - Fundamentals of Mechanical Ventilation with Greg Fletcher


CNE Greg ‘Fletch’ Fletcher

This week on the podcast we talked with Greg ‘Fletch’ Fletcher. Fletch has been one of the ICU Clinical Nurse Educators at Dandenong Hospital, Monash Health in Victoria Australia for more than 20 years. He also regularly delivers lectures to critical care postgraduate nurses at Monash Nursing and Midwifery.

In his own no-nonsense style, Fletch talks about approaches to teaching and learning critical care concepts and the fundamentals of mechanical ventilation. Fletch’s superpowers relate to his mentoring, hands on bedside teaching as well as his ability to explain complex critical care concepts in plain language and in several different ways.

We hope you enjoy the first of our chats with Fletch and keep a look out for his insights into ventilating the more complex and challenging patients.


Episode 25 - Andrew Cashin


Episode 23 - Carolyn Hullick